'How many more months and years will we have to wait for truth to win?' 'Will anyone give us back the months and years we have lost waiting for that 'one day'?'
'When I realised that I was to take the pictures of Pandit Nehru, I was very nervous and scared.'
'Since the party is at a stage when things are very bad, this is the best time to experiment.'
'You have to be a total anti-national bozo to shut down the Nokia plant in Sriperumbudur, which was the first large manufacturing plant for mobile phones in India.' 'Why was the unit shut down? Because of somebody's ego.'
'If an employee has a contract with the employer that he cannot moonlight, you should honour that contract.'
'To lead the Congress party, you need experience.' 'You should have held some positions which give you the experience of running the party at any level.' 'Tharoor doesn't have any such experience.'
'It is so gratifying that I was able to help donate 130 eyes to those who needed them.'
'We continue to believe that the global economy will narrowly avoid a recession, despite expecting the US, Canada, and most of Europe to fall into recession at some point over the next year or so.'
'Now that an extremist organisation like the PFI has been banned, it is time for the leaders to reach out to the minority community.' 'You need to have co-ordination between the State and the social fabric to send out the message that it is not directed at the community, and they should not feel vulnerable.'
'We found that in fatty liver patients, something happens that blocks insulin secretion.'
'Nobody expected it to become a landmark judgment.' 'Because the Supreme Court has expanded the definition of family and included single parents, same sex parents, etc, the scope of looking at families has enhanced.'
'Laws have been used in a way to serve the needs of the current regime and its authoritarian ideology.'
'Where you change the law and then say, we are following the law.' 'The fact is, the law is not meeting any international standards.' 'How can you call UAPA or PMLA a law when you are guilty until proven innocent?'
'Just think of this innocent man who had to suffer so much.' 'Who will compensate for the physical and mental torture Kappan had to go through in the last two years though he has not done any crime?'
'She will forever be remembered for being a disrupter - a disrupter in a positive sense - as she disrupted the hierarchies that existed in society!'
'Is it not deplorable that even after 75 years of independence, there are people in our society who have been denied freedom?'
'Welfare schemes are not a necessary evil, they are a necessary good.'
'I told myself, I will be 23 next year. Why can't I be a billionaire too?'
'Since the Covid virus has a tendency to mutate, we can continue to expect new variants of the virus to emerge and keep circulating and recirculating in the communities.'
'All actions for COVID-19 should be the same as for other routine health conditions.' 'There is no need to report the matter in the media all the time; not on front page please.'